Mrs Wesley-Abbott-Year 2

Welcome to Year 2’s class page.

 Meet the Year 2 team

Mrs Wesley-Abbott: Class Teacher

Learning Support Assistant-

Mrs Hill

In Year 2 we encourage children to begin to apply their fabulous early years learning and build upon their growing skill set. We celebrate the children’s achievements and encourage a love of learning! Each half term we focus on a particular topic and use a cross-curricular approach to engage and enthuse the children. Our topics for this academic year are: Women Throughout History, The Titanic and Our town then and now.

The children are taught Religious Education, PSHE (Jigsaw), English, Mathematics, Read Write Inc, Science, History, Geography, Computing, Internet Safety, Music, Art and Design Technology.

Our two School Council Representatives are chosen by the children each year and take our ideas and share them with the rest of the School Council. We also have two class Eco School Councillors, who work with Mrs Day and the Eco team to improve our school.

We hope the information on this page gives you a ‘window’ into life in Year 2. Our door is always open if you would like to visit!



Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. The children are required to come to school in their PE kit on these days. In PE we are currently learning the rules of Rounders and playing Field Sports with Coach Dave and learning about throwing and catching in Bench Ball with Miss Smith.



Book bags and homework will be sent out on a Friday. Book bags are due back in on a Wednesday and homework is to be sent back via Seesaw on Thursdays. It is important that your child completes their homework each week as it consolidates their learning from school and also gives them a chance to show off what it is that they can do.



As you will be aware, Year 2 is a SATs year. These  assessments usually take place in May and there will be  a meeting held in October to discuss this.

Topic Webs
St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School, Elton Head Road, Sutton Heath, St. Helens, WA9 5BT