Our Mathematics Curriculum


We aim for the children in St John Vianney Catholic Primary school  to achieve and understand mathematical processes, concepts and skills. Our teachers provide engaging lessons,  where they  present maths in an interesting and enjoyable way, allowing the children to actively participate and engage in the learning process. This will then creates a sense of achievement and confidence. Each class is developing their skills in  mental arithmetic and  will give opportunities for pupils to use and apply mathematics in real life situations.

Maths is taught through a daily Maths lesson which follows the principles of the National Curriculum and uses White Rose Maths to ensure clear progression. Class teachers also plan for opportunities to develop and apply key mathematical skills in other subjects throughout the year.


What I find interesting is maths stays in your head and helps you when you are struggling with something in your everyday life – Leah Y6


I like to complete a challenge. I like algebra and geometry very much – Jacob Y6

Gifted and Talented Maths Day at St John Vianney

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Mathematics in the Early Years- First Steps

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Maths in the Early Years- Reception

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St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School, Elton Head Road, Sutton Heath, St. Helens, WA9 5BT